consabido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

consabido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Consabido" is an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Consabido" refers to something that is widely known or familiar to a particular audience. It is often used to describe ideas, facts, or situations that are so common or recognized that they hardly need to be explained. The word is relatively formal and is more frequently encountered in written contexts, such as literature, articles, and formal speeches, than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El consabido refrán dice que "no hay mal que por bien no venga."
  2. The well-known proverb says that "there's no bad that doesn't bring good."

  3. El autor se refiere a un consabido problema en la sociedad actual.

  4. The author refers to a familiar issue in today's society.

  5. Todos sabemos de sobra el consabido resultado de esa estrategia fallida.

  6. We all know the usual outcome of that failed strategy.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "consabido" does not have a plethora of idiomatic expressions, it does appear within certain contexts where familiarity or common knowledge is denoted. Here are some expressions and sentences:

  1. "El consabido 'más vale tarde que nunca'."

    • The well-known saying "better late than never."
  2. "A lo consabido, le añadimos una nueva perspectiva."

    • To the known facts, we add a new perspective.
  3. "Como es consabido entre los expertos, la práctica hace al maestro."

    • As is well-known among experts, practice makes perfect.
  4. "No quiero sonar consabido, pero todos sabemos que la salud es lo primero."

    • I don’t want to sound familiar, but we all know that health comes first.
  5. "El consabido debate sobre el cambio climático continúa."

    • The usual debate about climate change continues.


The word "consabido" derives from the Latin term "consabitus," which means "together with knowledge." It reflects a sense of shared understanding or common knowledge among people regarding a specific topic or situation.


