consagrado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consagrado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Consecrated
  2. Established
  3. Devoted

Meaning and Usage

"Consagrado" is an adjective primarily utilized in various contexts, including religion, law, and culture. In legal terms, it often refers to something that has been established, recognized, or given formal authority. The word suggests a high level of respect or honor, implying that the subject is widely recognized or institutionalized.

The frequency of use is moderate; it is common in formal language and legal contexts, more often appearing in written texts than in casual, everyday spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. El abogado presentó un argumento consagrado en la jurisprudencia.
    The lawyer presented an argument established in case law.

  2. Ese principio se considera consagrado en nuestra constitución.
    That principle is considered consecrated in our constitution.

  3. La figura del testigo es consagrada en el derecho procesal.
    The figure of the witness is consecrated in procedural law.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Consagrado" is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, but it does appear in phrases denoting authority or recognized importance. Here are a few examples:

  1. Un derecho consagrado en la ley.
    A right established in law.

  2. El autor consagrado de la novela es muy influyente.
    The established author of the novel is very influential.

  3. Su puesto es consagrado por años de experiencia.
    His position is consecrated by years of experience.

  4. Ese valor está consagrado en nuestra cultura.
    That value is established in our culture.

  5. El tratado fue consagrado por ambas naciones.
    The treaty was established by both nations.


The word "consagrado" derives from the Latin consecratus, the past participle of consecrare, which means 'to consecrate' or 'to dedicate'. It consists of the prefix "con-" (with) and "sacrare" (to make sacred), reflecting the idea of dedicating something to a higher purpose or authority.



This comprehensive overview highlights the multifaceted nature of "consagrado," particularly within legal contexts, and reflects its broader implications in both Spanish and English.
