consecuente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consecuente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Consequent
  2. Resultant
  3. Consistent

Meaning and Usage

The term "consecuente" is used to describe something that results from a particular action, condition, or event. In general usage, it often relates to logical consistency and implies that actions or thoughts lead to logical outcomes. The frequency of use is moderate; the word is often encountered in academic, legal, and formal contexts, though it is also used in everyday language. Its use is common in both spoken and written forms.

Example Sentences

  1. La falta de planificación puede tener consecuencias negativas y actuales muy consecuentes.
    (The lack of planning can have negative and very consequent effects.)

  2. Es importante ser consecuente con nuestras decisiones si queremos lograr resultados positivos.
    (It is important to be consistent with our decisions if we want to achieve positive results.)

  3. Las acciones realizadas hoy son consecuencia de decisiones anteriores, y debemos ser consecuentes con ellas.
    (The actions taken today are a consequence of previous decisions, and we must be consistent with them.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "consecuente" frequently appears in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting its importance in discussions around consistency and outcomes.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Ser consecuente con uno mismo:
    (To be true to oneself)
    Es fundamental ser consecuente con uno mismo para vivir una vida auténtica.
    (It's essential to be true to oneself in order to live an authentic life.)

  2. Actuar de manera consecuente:
    (To act in a consistent manner)
    Si quieres que te respeten, debes actuar de manera consecuente con tus principios.
    (If you want to be respected, you must act in a consistent manner with your principles.)

  3. No ser consecuente:
    (To be inconsistent)
    La política requiere ser consecuente; de lo contrario, se pierde la credibilidad.
    (Politics requires being consistent; otherwise, credibility is lost.)

  4. Obrar en consecuencia:
    (To act accordingly)
    Debemos analizar la situación y obrar en consecuencia.
    (We must analyze the situation and act accordingly.)


The word "consecuente" derives from the Latin "consequentem," the accusative singular of "consequens," meaning "following" or "resulting." This reflects the term's relation to outcomes and logical connections.


