conseguir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conseguir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word conseguir is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The verb conseguir can be translated as: - to obtain - to get - to achieve - to acquire

Meaning and Usage

Conseguir means to obtain something by effort, to achieve a goal, or to gain possession of something. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, but it tends to appear more frequently in informal conversations. The verb is particularly common in everyday speech, indicating a focus on practical achievements or the attainment of goals.

Example Sentences

  1. Conseguir un trabajo es importante para tu carrera.
  2. Obtaining a job is important for your career.

  3. Ella espera conseguir un préstamo para comprar una casa.

  4. She hopes to get a loan to buy a house.

  5. No fue fácil, pero logré conseguir mis objetivos este año.

  6. It wasn't easy, but I managed to achieve my goals this year.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb conseguir is part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Conseguir lo imposible
  2. Significado: To do the impossible.
  3. Ejemplo: Siempre ha sido capaz de conseguir lo imposible en su carrera.

    • Translation: He has always been able to do the impossible in his career.
  4. Conseguir un éxito

  5. Significado: To achieve success.
  6. Ejemplo: Trabajamos duro para conseguir un éxito en el proyecto.

    • Translation: We worked hard to achieve success in the project.
  7. Conseguir puntos

  8. Significado: To score points (in a game or context).
  9. Ejemplo: Necesitamos conseguir puntos en el próximo partido para clasificar.

    • Translation: We need to score points in the next match to qualify.
  10. Conseguir la aprobación

  11. Significado: To obtain approval.
  12. Ejemplo: Es crucial conseguir la aprobación del director antes de continuar.

    • Translation: It's crucial to obtain the director's approval before proceeding.
  13. Conseguir lo que se quiere

  14. Significado: To get what one wants.
  15. Ejemplo: A veces es difícil conseguir lo que se quiere sin esfuerzo.
    • Translation: Sometimes it's hard to get what one wants without effort.


The verb conseguir comes from the Latin word consīguere, which means "to follow closely" or "to pursue". The prefix "con-" suggests a sense of togetherness or completion, while "seguir" means "to follow". This etymology reflects the process of following through in order to obtain something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - obtener (to obtain) - alcanzar (to reach/achieve) - lograr (to achieve)

Antonyms: - perder (to lose) - renunciar (to renounce) - fallar (to fail)

In conclusion, conseguir is a versatile verb widely used across different contexts in the Spanish language, reflecting the pursuit of goals and the successful attainment of desired outcomes.
