consejal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consejal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Consejal is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term consejal refers to an elected member of a council, typically involved in local government matters. In Bolivia, consejales play crucial roles in municipal governance, addressing local issues, enacting bylaws, and representing their constituents.

Frequency of Use

The term is commonly used in both oral and written forms within the context of politics and local governance. However, it is more frequently encountered in written contexts, such as official reports, political discussions, and news articles.

Example Sentences

  1. El consejal propuso una nueva ley para la protección del medio ambiente.
  2. The councilman proposed a new law for environmental protection.

  3. La reunión del concejo se llevará a cabo el próximo martes donde el consejal dará su informe.

  4. The council meeting will take place next Tuesday where the councilor will give his report.

  5. Todos los consejales votaron a favor del nuevo presupuesto municipal.

  6. All the councilors voted in favor of the new municipal budget.

Idiomatic Expressions

While consejal itself may not be directly part of many idiomatic expressions, it is associated with various expressions and phrases used in political contexts. Below are a few idiomatic examples that involve political actions or contextual phrases:

  1. Ser el consejal de la comunidad: Esta expresión se refiere a ser un defensor o representante activo de las necesidades comunitarias.
  2. To be the councilor of the community: This expression refers to being an active defender or representative of community needs.

  3. Hablar como un consejal: Usado para describir a alguien que habla de manera persuasiva y formal sobre temas públicos.

  4. To speak like a councilor: Used to describe someone who speaks persuasively and formally about public issues.

  5. El consejal en las buenas y en las malas: Hace referencia a un consejal que apoya a su comunidad en todos los tiempos.

  6. The councilor in good times and bad: Refers to a councilor who supports their community in all times.

  7. Dar la cara como consejal: Describe a un consejal que se presenta ante la comunidad para abordar problemas o quejas.

  8. To face issues as a councilor: Describes a councilor who presents themselves before the community to address problems or complaints.


The term consejal is derived from the Spanish word consejo, which means "council," combined with the suffix -al, indicating a person who is a member of or related to a council. Historically, councils served as advisory bodies, and over time, their members became known as consejales.

Synonyms and Antonyms


