consejero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consejero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Consejero" refers to a person who gives advice or guidance in various fields such as general matters, economics, and law. In a legal or economic context, a "consejero" might serve on a board of directors, providing strategic counsel based on their expertise. It is commonly found in both written and spoken Spanish, though it may appear more frequently in formal contexts, especially in business and legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El consejero del gobierno propuso nuevas políticas económicas.
  2. The government advisor proposed new economic policies.

  3. Necesito hablar con un consejero que me ayude a planificar mi futuro.

  4. I need to talk to a counselor to help me plan my future.

  5. La empresa contrató a un consejero para mejorar su estrategia de marketing.

  6. The company hired an advisor to improve its marketing strategy.

Idiomatic Expressions with "Consejero"

While "consejero" is not the basis of widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it can feature in specific phrases that highlight its role as an advisor or counselor.

  1. Ser un buen consejero.
  2. No siempre es fácil ser un buen consejero, pero es esencial para guiar a los demás.
  3. It is not always easy to be a good advisor, but it is essential for guiding others.

  4. Confiar en el consejero.

  5. Después de muchas conversaciones, decidimos confiar en el consejero para tomar la mejor decisión.
  6. After many conversations, we decided to trust the advisor to make the best decision.

  7. Consejero de cabecera.

  8. Siempre acudo a mi padre como consejero de cabecera cuando tengo problemas.
  9. I always turn to my father as my go-to advisor when I have problems.

  10. Seguir el consejo del consejero.

  11. Es importante seguir el consejo del consejero si quieres evitar problemas.
  12. It is important to follow the advisor's advice if you want to avoid issues.


The word "consejero" comes from the Latin "consiliarius," which derives from "consilium," meaning 'counsel' or 'advice.' It reflects the function of providing counsel, which has been maintained throughout its usage in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview outlines the multifaceted role of "consejero" in the Spanish language across different contexts. If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!
