consejo judicial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consejo judicial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/konˈsexo xuˈdithjal/

Use in Spanish Language

"Consejo Judicial" is a term commonly used in Venezuela within the legal system. It refers to a judicial council or court of law. This term is used more in written contexts within legal documents, judgments, and official communications.


  1. El Consejo Judicial dictaminó que el acusado era inocente.
    The Judicial Council ruled that the defendant was innocent.

  2. El abogado presentó un recurso ante el Consejo Judicial para revisar el caso.
    The lawyer filed a petition before the Judicial Council to review the case.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, the term "Consejo Judicial" is not typically part of idiomatic expressions. It is more commonly used in its literal legal sense.


The term "Consejo Judicial" comes from the Spanish words "consejo" meaning advice or council, and "judicial" relating to the judiciary or courts.

Synonyms and Antonyms