consensual - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consensual (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "consensual" is used primarily in legal and medical contexts. It refers to actions or agreements that are made with the mutual agreement of all parties involved, often implying that consent is clearly expressed and respected. The term is frequently used in discussions about sexual consent, contractual agreements, and medical procedures where informed consent is required.

In terms of frequency, "consensual" tends to be more common in written contexts, such as legal documents, academic texts, and medical literature, though it can also occur in oral discussions, particularly in professional settings.

Example Sentences

  1. La relación entre ambas partes fue plenamente consensual.
  2. The relationship between both parties was fully consensual.

  3. Todos los procedimientos médicos deben ser consensuales y con el consentimiento informado del paciente.

  4. All medical procedures must be consensual and with informed consent from the patient.

  5. Es fundamental que exista un acuerdo consensual antes de firmar el contrato.

  6. It is essential that there is a consensual agreement before signing the contract.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "consensual" is not typically tied to a wide range of idiomatic expressions, it can be seen in various contexts that highlight the importance of mutual agreement and consensus. Below are example sentences that incorporate the word:

  1. En una sociedad democrática, las decisiones deben ser consensuales.
  2. In a democratic society, decisions must be consensual.

  3. Las negociaciones entre los dos países fueron consensuales para evitar conflictos.

  4. The negotiations between the two countries were consensual to avoid conflict.

  5. La práctica consensual de la mediación ayuda a resolver disputas de manera efectiva.

  6. The consensual practice of mediation helps to resolve disputes effectively.


The word "consensual" derives from the Latin "consensualis," which means "relating to agreement" or "of common consent." It is formed from "consensus," meaning "agreement," which itself comes from "consentire," meaning "to feel together."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Acordado (agreed) - Convenido (agreed upon) - Pactado (settled by pact)

Antonyms: - Impositivo (imposed) - Obligatorio (mandatory) - Forzado (forced)
