consentido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consentido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Consentido" refers to someone who is spoiled or pampered, usually due to excessive attention or indulgence from others, especially parents or caregivers. In a broader context, it can also refer to someone who is overly favored or indulged in various situations. The word is commonly used in both oral and written forms and is encountered frequently in everyday conversations, especially concerning children or family dynamics.

Example Sentences

  1. El niño es muy consentido y siempre quiere ser el centro de atención.
    The child is very spoiled and always wants to be the center of attention.

  2. Su abuelo lo consiente demasiado, por eso es un poco consentido.
    His grandfather spoils him too much, that's why he is a bit spoiled.

  3. No es bueno consentir a los hijos, porque eso puede llevar a problemas en el futuro.
    It's not good to spoil children, because that can lead to problems in the future.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Consentido" can also be part of various idiomatic expressions and phrases, often highlighting a context of indulgence or excessive favoring.

  1. Tener un hijo consentido puede traer conflictos en la familia.
    Having a spoiled child can bring conflicts in the family.

  2. Ella es la consentida de la familia, siempre recibe lo que quiere.
    She is the spoiled one in the family; she always gets what she wants.

  3. No quiero que mis hijos sean consentidos, así que les enseño a trabajar por lo que quieren.
    I don't want my children to be spoiled, so I teach them to work for what they want.

  4. Ese perro es muy consentido; siempre duerme en la cama de su dueño.
    That dog is very spoiled; it always sleeps in its owner's bed.

  5. Aunque es consentido, él es muy responsable en su trabajo.
    Although he is spoiled, he is very responsible in his job.


The word "consentido" comes from the Spanish verb "consentir," which means "to consent" or "to allow." The term carries the connotation of being allowed or indulged too much, leading to a sense of being spoiled.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Mimado (pampered) - Malcriado (ill-mannered, spoiled) - Indulgente (indulgent)

Antonyms: - Estricto (strict) - Rígido (rigid) - Disciplinado (disciplined)

This covers a comprehensive overview of the term "consentido" in the specified context.
