consentir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consentir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use

The verb "consentir" has multiple meanings in Spanish. Primarily, it denotes the act of giving permission or agreeing to something. It can also mean to indulge someone, allowing them to have what they want, often in a context that suggests excessive leniency or pampering.

In terms of usage frequency, "consentir" appears in both oral and written contexts, though it may be considered more formal or literary compared to simpler synonyms. It is relatively common in discussions related to law, rights, and personal relationships.

Example Sentences

  1. "Los padres deben consentir a sus hijos antes de tomar decisiones importantes."
    (Parents must consent to their children before making important decisions.)

  2. "El tribunal decidió consentir el acuerdo entre las partes."
    (The court decided to consent to the agreement between the parties.)

  3. "Es importante consentir las necesidades de los demás en una relación."
    (It is important to consent to the needs of others in a relationship.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "consentir" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. "Consentir en el error"
    (To consent to a mistake): This implies accepting or acknowledging a mistake.
    "A veces es difícil consentir en el error, pero es necesario."
    (Sometimes it is difficult to consent to a mistake, but it is necessary.)

  2. "Consentir caprichos"
    (To indulge whims): Refers to indulging someone's wishes or fancies.
    "No deberías consentir caprichos a los niños todo el tiempo."
    (You shouldn’t indulge children’s whims all the time.)

  3. "Consentir a alguien"
    (To indulge someone): To give in to someone’s desires or requests.
    "Ella siempre consiente a su pareja, a veces demasiado."
    (She always indulges her partner, sometimes too much.)


The verb "consentir" comes from the Latin word "consentire," which is formed by the prefix "con-" meaning "together" and "sentire," which means "to feel." This etymology implies a shared feeling or agreement.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Autorizar (to authorize)
- Admitir (to admit)
- Permitir (to allow)
- Aceptar (to accept)

- Negar (to deny)
- Rechazar (to reject)
- Oponerse (to oppose)
- Desautorizar (to disapprove)
