consentirse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consentirse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb consentirse means to allow oneself to do something or to indulge oneself in an activity or pleasure. It suggests a voluntary action where an individual gives permission to themselves to engage in a behavior that may or may not be considered necessary or prudent. This word is mostly used in oral speech but can also be found in written contexts.

Frequency of Use

Consentirse is a moderately used term in everyday Spanish. It is common to hear in conversations when discussing indulgences or personal allowances.

Example Sentences

  1. Me voy a consentir un pedazo de pastel hoy.
    (I am going to allow myself a piece of cake today.)

  2. A veces es bueno consentirse y tomar un día de descanso.
    (Sometimes it’s good to indulge oneself and take a day off.)

  3. Ella se consiente al comprar ropa nueva cada mes.
    (She indulges herself by buying new clothes every month.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Consentirse is not as commonly found in idiomatic expressions, but it can be related to ideas of self-permission, indulgence, and moderation.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. A veces, hay que consentirse un capricho de vez en cuando.
    (Sometimes, you have to indulge in a whim every now and then.)

  2. No te sientas culpable por consentirte un día de spa.
    (Don't feel guilty for treating yourself to a spa day.)

  3. Después de tanto trabajo, decidí consentirme unas vacaciones.
    (After so much work, I decided to allow myself a vacation.)

  4. Es bueno consentirse, pero sin exagerar.
    (It’s good to indulge oneself, but without going overboard.)


The word consentirse derives from the combination of the prefix "con-" meaning "with" and the verb "sentir," which means "to feel." The construction suggests feeling with oneself or allowing oneself to experience something.


