conserva - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conserva (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "conserva" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "conserva" in the International Phonetic Alphabet is /konˈseɾβa/.

Translation Options into English

  1. Preserve
  2. Conservation (in certain contexts)
  3. Preserve (as in food preservation)
  4. Pickle (in culinary contexts)

Meaning and Usage

The term "conserva" primarily refers to food that has been preserved through methods such as canning, pickling, or otherwise extending its shelf life. In the general domain, it can also refer to the act of conserving or preserving something, like nature or resources.

Example Sentences

  1. Las conservas de vegetales son muy populares en Chile.
  2. (Vegetable preserves are very popular in Chile.)

  3. Es importante hacer conservas para aprovechar la temporada de frutas.

  4. (It's important to make preserves to take advantage of the fruit season.)

  5. Cada verano, la abuela hace conservas de duraznos.

  6. (Every summer, Grandma makes peach preserves.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "conserva" may not have many standalone idiomatic expressions, but it is often involved in idiomatic phrases associated with preservation or conservation practices. Here are some examples:

  1. Guardar la conserva.
  2. (To keep the preserve.)
  3. Used to refer to saving something for later.

  4. Hacer conservas.

  5. (To make preserves.)
  6. This means to can or bottle food for storage.

  7. Conservar la calma.

  8. (To maintain calm.)
  9. This expression means to stay calm in a stressful situation.

  10. Conservar la energía.

  11. (To conserve energy.)
  12. Indicates the importance of saving energy in various contexts.

  13. Conservar recuerdos.

  14. (To keep memories.)
  15. Refers to the act of preserving cherished memories.

  16. Conservar el medio ambiente.

  17. (To conserve the environment.)
  18. This is often used in discussions regarding ecological sustainability.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Es importante guardar la conserva para el invierno.
  2. (It's important to keep the preserve for the winter.)

  3. Nos enseñaron a hacer conservas desde pequeños.

  4. (We were taught to make preserves from a young age.)

  5. Es difícil conservar la calma cuando todo está sucediendo tan rápido.

  6. (It's hard to maintain calm when everything is happening so fast.)

  7. Debemos conservar la energía para el viaje de mañana.

  8. (We should conserve energy for tomorrow's trip.)

  9. Me gusta conservar recuerdos de mis viajes.

  10. (I like to keep memories from my trips.)

  11. Es fundamental conservar el medio ambiente para las futuras generaciones.

  12. (It's crucial to conserve the environment for future generations.)


The word "conserva" derives from the Latin verb conservare, which means "to preserve" or "to keep safe." The prefix "con-" signifies "together" and "servare" means "to keep" or "to save."

Synonyms and Antonyms



By understanding the word "conserva" in its various contexts, one can appreciate its significance in everyday life, especially in culinary and environmental discussions.
