considerador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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considerador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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"Considerador" is a term that refers to someone who considers, contemplates, or reflects on a particular issue or situation. It is used in Spanish to describe someone who carefully evaluates different aspects before making a decision or judgment. This word is more commonly used in written contexts than in oral speech. It conveys a sense of thoughtfulness and deep consideration.


  1. El considerador de la propuesta decidió posponer la reunión para estudiarla con más detenimiento.
    Translation: The contemplator of the proposal decided to postpone the meeting to study it more carefully.

  2. Es importante actuar con prudencia y ser considerador en situaciones delicadas.
    Translation: It's important to act prudently and be thoughtful in delicate situations.

Idiomatic Expressions


  1. No puedo tomar una decisión sin estar considerando el asunto detenidamente.
    Translation: I can't make a decision without considering the matter carefully.

  2. Es un chico muy considerado, siempre está pendiente de ayudar a los demás.
    Translation: He's a very thoughtful boy, always willing to help others.


The term "considerador" is derived from the verb "considerar," which comes from the Latin word "considerare," meaning "to observe attentively, consider."

Synonyms and Antonyms