considerando - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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considerando (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Considerando" is the gerund form of the verb "considerar." In Spanish, it is often used to indicate an action that is ongoing or to provide context for another action.

Phonetic Transcription

/ de.ˈɾ

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Context

"Considerando" is primarily used to express the act of thinking about or reflecting on something. It can be used in both oral and written contexts but tends to appear more frequently in formal written language, such as legal documents, academic papers, and reports.

Frequency of Use

In the context of legal language, "considerando" is frequently found in statutes, court rulings, and legal opinions where reasoning is provided prior to a conclusion or decision.

Example Sentences

  1. "Considerando las circunstancias del caso, la corte decidió absolver al acusado."
    "Considering the circumstances of the case, the court decided to acquit the defendant."

  2. "Estamos considerando varias opciones antes de tomar una decisión final."
    "We are considering various options before making a final decision."

  3. "El informe fue redactado considerando las últimas investigaciones en la materia."
    "The report was written considering the latest research in the field."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "considerando" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, the verb "considerar" can be part of phrases that reflect common thoughts or actions.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Considerar todos los puntos de vista es fundamental para llegar a un acuerdo."
    "Considering all points of view is essential to reach an agreement."

  2. "Es importante considerar las consecuencias antes de actuar."
    "It is important to consider the consequences before acting."

  3. "No se puede considerar la decisión como definitiva hasta que se revise el caso."
    "One cannot consider the decision as final until the case is reviewed."

  4. "Considerar una solicitud implica analizar varios factores."
    "Considering a request involves analyzing several factors."

  5. "Al considerar el futuro, debemos prestar atención a los cambios en el mercado."
    "When considering the future, we must pay attention to changes in the market."


The word "considerando" comes from the Latin "considerare," which means "to look at closely" or "to observe." It is a compound of "con-" (together) and "siderare" (to observe). The evolution of the term in the Spanish language retained the essence of careful observation and thought.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Evaluando (evaluating) - Analizando (analyzing) - Reflexionando (reflecting)

Antonyms: - Ignorando (ignoring) - Desatendiendo (neglecting) - Omitiendo (omitting)

This detailed look at "considerando" highlights its usage, meaning, and contextual significance, particularly in legal vernacular.
