consigna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consigna (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Consigna" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Order
  2. Instruction
  3. Command
  4. Slogan (in specific contexts)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "consigna" refers to an order, instruction, or command given to someone. It denotes a directive that usually requires compliance or specific action.

The word is commonly used in various contexts, including general communication, economics (referring to directives in business), and military contexts. In terms of frequency, "consigna" is often used in written forms such as reports, memos, and formal communications but is also heard in verbal instructions, particularly in military or organizational environments.

Example Sentences

  1. La consigna de la reunión es mejorar la comunicación entre departamentos.
  2. The order of the meeting is to improve communication between departments.

  3. La consigna militar era avanzar hacia el objetivo sin dudar.

  4. The military command was to advance towards the objective without hesitation.

  5. Asegúrate de seguir la consigna dada por tu supervisor.

  6. Make sure to follow the instruction given by your supervisor.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Consigna" is a crucial part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples:

  1. Bajar la consigna - To lower the demand or standards.
  2. La empresa decidió bajar la consigna para los reportes mensuales.
  3. The company decided to lower the standards for the monthly reports.

  4. Seguir la consigna - To follow the given instructions.

  5. Es fundamental seguir la consigna durante el ejercicio.
  6. It is essential to follow the instructions during the exercise.

  7. No hay consigna - There is no directive or order.

  8. En esta situación, no hay consigna a seguir.
  9. In this situation, there is no directive to follow.

  10. Aclarar la consigna - To clarify the instructions.

  11. Necesitamos aclarar la consigna antes de proceder.
  12. We need to clarify the instructions before proceeding.

  13. Dar la consigna - To give the directive.

  14. El jefe dará la consigna a todos mañana.
  15. The boss will give the directive to everyone tomorrow.


The word "consigna" originates from the Latin "consigna," which means to mark or seal, derived from "consignare," which means to sign or mark. This reflects the directive nature of the word, signifying an order that needs to be acknowledged or followed.

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. Instrucción (instruction)
  2. Orden (order)
  3. Mandato (mandate)
  4. Directriz (directive)


  1. Desorden (disorder)
  2. Confusión (confusion)
  3. Libertad (freedom, in the sense of no command)

Using "consigna" effectively requires understanding its context, and it reflects a hierarchical relationship, often involving a leader or authority figure giving directives.
