consignatario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consignatario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "consignatario" refers to a person or entity that receives goods shipped by another party (the consignor). It is commonly used in commercial transactions involving the transportation and logistics of goods. The consignatario acts on behalf of the consignor, often taking possession of the goods for sale or distribution.

In the Spanish language, "consignatario" is often used in written contexts such as contracts, shipping documents, and legal agreements, though it can also appear in oral discussions pertaining to trade and logistics. Its usage frequency is moderate, particularly among professionals in economics, commerce, and law.

Example Sentences

  1. El consignatario debe firmar el recibo para confirmar la entrega de la mercancía.
    The consignee must sign the receipt to confirm the delivery of the merchandise.

  2. El consignatario es responsable de pagar los aranceles de importación al recibir el envío.
    The consignee is responsible for paying import duties upon receiving the shipment.

  3. Antes de enviar el paquete, verifica que el consignatario tenga toda la documentación necesaria.
    Before sending the package, check that the consignee has all the necessary documentation.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "consignatario" does not feature heavily in set idiomatic expressions, but it can be used in various contexts regarding responsibility for goods, transactions, and shipping processes. Here are a few examples:

  1. El consignatario siempre debe estar informado sobre el estado del envío.
    The consignee must always be informed about the status of the shipment.

  2. En caso de disputa, el consignatario tiene derechos sobre la carga.
    In case of a dispute, the consignee has rights over the cargo.

  3. La responsabilidad del consignatario comienza tan pronto como recibe la mercancía.
    The responsibility of the consignee begins as soon as they receive the merchandise.


The word "consignatario" originates from the Latin root "consignare," which means "to mark with an inscription" or "to assign." This reflects the nature of the term as it relates to the assignment of goods from one party to another.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of "consignatario" highlights its use, meaning, and importance primarily in economic, commerce, and legal contexts.
