consistencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consistencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "consistencia" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet is: /konsisˈtensja/

Translation Options into English

  1. Consistency
  2. Coherence
  3. Thickness (in specific contexts)

Meaning and Usage

"Consistencia" refers to the quality of being uniform or coherent in a certain context. It can denote the state of holding together firmly, maintaining a steady presence, or having a substantial nature.

In the Spanish language, "consistencia" is often used in both oral and written forms, particularly in discussions related to: - General contexts (e.g., describing textures or qualities) - Medical contexts (e.g., consistency of bodily fluids) - Philosophical contexts (e.g., describing the coherence of ideas or theories).

Frequency of use can vary, but "consistencia" is a commonly encountered term across different domains.

Example Sentences

  1. La consistencia de la masa es fundamental para hacer pan.
  2. The consistency of the dough is essential for making bread.

  3. En filosofía, la consistencia de un argumento es crucial para su validez.

  4. In philosophy, the consistency of an argument is crucial for its validity.

  5. El médico evaluó la consistencia del líquido en el análisis.

  6. The doctor assessed the consistency of the fluid in the analysis.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "consistencia" may not be heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, it is commonly associated with the concept of being coherent and reliable in various contexts. Here are a few expressions where it plays a role:

  1. "Mantener la consistencia en el trabajo es clave para lograr resultados."
  2. "Maintaining consistency in work is key to achieving results."

  3. "La consistencia en las decisiones fortalece la confianza del equipo."

  4. "Consistency in decisions strengthens the team's trust."

  5. "Un proyecto necesita consistencia en su ejecución para ser exitoso."

  6. "A project needs consistency in its execution to be successful."

  7. "La consistencia de su discurso convenció a la audiencia."

  8. "The consistency of his speech convinced the audience."


The word "consistencia" originates from the Latin "consistentia," which combines "consistens," the present participle of the verb "consistere," meaning "to stand firm, to stand together." This reflects the idea of remaining stable and coherent.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of "consistencia" provides insight into its meaning, usage, related expressions, and linguistic heritage in the Spanish language.
