consistorio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consistorio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "consistorio" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /konsisˈtoɾjo/.

Translation Options into English

The English translation for "consistorio" can include: - Consistory - Council - Assembly

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "consistorio" has two primary meanings: 1. Religious Context: Refers to an assembly of church officials, particularly in Catholicism, where decisions on important matters of doctrine, ecclesiastical law, and administration are made. 2. Civil Context: It signifies a council or assembly in a civil or administrative capacity, often related to municipal governance.

The word is relatively formal and tends to appear more in written contexts (like legal documents, religious texts, or historical literature) than in everyday oral conversations. Its frequency of use may vary depending on regional practices.

Example Sentences

  1. El consistorio se reunió para discutir los asuntos importantes de la comunidad.
    The consistory met to discuss important matters of the community.

  2. El cardenal anunció la creación de un nuevo consistorio en el Vaticano.
    The cardinal announced the creation of a new consistory in the Vatican.

  3. El consistorio municipal planea implementar nuevas regulaciones.
    The municipal consistory plans to implement new regulations.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Consistorio" is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions. However, here are a few phrases and contexts where it may arise or be paired with other terms:

  1. Miembros del consistorio
    Members of the consistory
  2. Los miembros del consistorio son responsables de decidir sobre los asuntos doctrinales.
    (The members of the consistory are responsible for deciding on doctrinal matters.)

  3. Convocar un consistorio
    To convene a consistory

  4. El Papa decidió convocar un consistorio para discutir la política de la Iglesia.
    (The Pope decided to convene a consistory to discuss Church policy.)

  5. Aprobar por el consistorio
    Approved by the consistory

  6. La reforma fue aprobada por el consistorio después de un extenso debate.
    (The reform was approved by the consistory after extensive debate.)


The term "consistorio" comes from the Latin "consistorium," which means "assembly" or "council." The root itself is derived from "consistere," which means "to stand together" or "to convene." Over time, it has been adopted in various languages with similar meanings.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In conclusion, "consistorio" serves as a formal term in both ecclesiastical and municipal contexts, emphasizing assembly and deliberation, and has roots that trace back to Latin, reflecting its historical significance.
