consola - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consola (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The Spanish word "consola" typically refers to a console, which can be a physical device used for controlling or interfacing with electronic systems, such as a gaming console, an audio console, or a control panel in various engineering fields. "Consola" is also utilized in a broader architectural context to describe ornamental brackets or elements that support a structure.

In terms of frequency, "consola" is frequently used in written and spoken contexts, especially in relation to technology, architecture, and music. Its usage might vary by region and context but remains relatively consistent in the fields mentioned.

Example Sentences

  1. La consola de videojuegos es muy popular entre los jóvenes.
  2. The video game console is very popular among young people.

  3. El arquitecto diseñó una hermosa consola para soportar el balcón.

  4. The architect designed a beautiful console to support the balcony.

  5. Necesitamos una consola nueva para mejorar el sonido en el estudio.

  6. We need a new console to improve the sound in the studio.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "consola" is not typically used in a large number of idiomatic expressions specifically, it can appear in a few phrases or contexts that play on its meanings, often metaphorically.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Al final del día, necesito una consola para relajarme.
  2. At the end of the day, I need a console to unwind.

  3. No siempre se puede contar con el mismo tipo de consola en la vida.

  4. You can't always rely on the same kind of console in life.

  5. La consola de control se volvió vital en la operación del sistema.

  6. The control console became vital in the operation of the system.


The word "consola" comes from the Latin "consola," which means a support or a place of comfort. The root of the word is derived from "consolari," meaning to comfort or to console. This reflects historical uses related to providing support, whether physical or emotional.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Panel (for control or display) - Estación de trabajo (in computing contexts)

Antonyms: - Desconsolado (despondent, which is indirectly related as it means without comfort)

In general usage, "consola" translates to a meaningful concept of providing support, whether it's in the technological, architectural, or emotional contexts.
