consolar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consolar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Consolar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Consolar is used in the Spanish language to express the action of providing comfort or solace to someone who is experiencing sadness, pain, or distress. It is generally used in personal or emotional contexts and emphasizes support and empathy. The frequency of use is moderately high in both oral and written contexts, with a slightly higher prevalence in spoken language due to its emotional nature.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante consolar a un amigo que está pasando por un mal momento.
    It is important to console a friend who is going through a tough time.

  2. Ella siempre sabe cómo consolar a su hermano cuando está triste.
    She always knows how to comfort her brother when he is sad.

  3. Los médicos intentaron consolar a los familiares después de la tragedia.
    The doctors tried to soothe the family members after the tragedy.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Consolar" is part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few:

  1. Consolar a alguien en su dolor
  2. Consoling someone in their pain
  3. Es esencial consolar a alguien en su dolor para ayudarlo a sanar.
    It is essential to console someone in their pain to help them heal.

  4. No hay consuelo para el que llora

  5. There is no comfort for the one who cries
  6. A veces, no hay consuelo para el que llora, y solo el tiempo puede sanar.
    Sometimes, there is no comfort for the one who cries, and only time can heal.

  7. Dar consuelo a los afligidos

  8. To give comfort to the distressed
  9. Es nuestro deber dar consuelo a los afligidos en momentos difíciles.
    It is our duty to give comfort to the distressed during difficult times.


The verb consolar comes from the Latin word "consolari", which means "to comfort". It is derived from "con-" meaning "with" and "solari" which pertains to solace or comfort.



This comprehensive overview of consolar highlights its use in the Spanish language, idiomatic expressions, and other linguistic details.
