conspirar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conspirar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Conspirar" is a verb that means to secretly plan or plot (often illicitly or maliciously) with others. It commonly refers to individuals or groups that engage in secretive and often illegal plots to achieve a particular goal, frequently involving treachery or deceit. The use of "conspirar" can vary from formal legal contexts to informal conversations regarding rumors or secretive plans.

In terms of frequency, "conspirar" is more commonly used in written contexts such as news articles, legal documents, and literature, but it can also appear in oral speech, particularly when discussing conspiracy theories or scandals.

Example Sentences

  1. Los políticos comenzaron a conspirar en secreto para derrocar al gobierno.
  2. The politicians began to conspire secretly to overthrow the government.

  3. Es peligroso conspirar contra alguien que tiene mucho poder.

  4. It is dangerous to conspire against someone who has a lot of power.

  5. El detective descubrió que un grupo de empresarios estaba conspirando para manipular el mercado.

  6. The detective discovered that a group of businessmen was conspiring to manipulate the market.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "conspirar" may not be a dominant component of widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it does feature in contexts discussing clandestine activities or plotting. Here are a few related constructions:

Example Sentences

  1. Conspirar a espaldas de alguien no es ético.
  2. Conspiring behind someone's back is not ethical.

  3. Cuando se trata de conspirar, la confianza es primordial.

  4. When it comes to conspiring, trust is paramount.

  5. Ha habido rumores de que intentan conspirar en el partido.

  6. There have been rumors that they are trying to conspire within the party.

  7. El autor de la novela utiliza la idea de conspirar como un hilo conductor en su historia.

  8. The author of the novel uses the idea of conspiring as a guiding thread in his story.


The word "conspirar" comes from the Latin "conspirare," which means "to breathe together." This etymological root highlights the idea of individuals coming together (or "breathing together") for a common secret purpose, often one that is conspiratorial in nature.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive look at "conspirar" provides insight into its meaning, usage, and related expressions within the Spanish language.
