constancia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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constancia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Constancia" in Spanish holds several meanings depending on the context in which it is used:

  1. General Meaning: It refers to the quality of being constant, steadfast, and unchanging. It reflects a sense of reliability and persistence.

  2. Law: In legal terms, it can refer to a document that serves as proof or confirmation, such as a certificate of something that has occurred or been established.

  3. Medicine: Used to indicate continuity in treatment or a consistent approach in monitoring patient conditions.

  4. Everyday Usage: The term is often used to denote the persistence or unwavering nature of a person in their actions or commitments.

Frequency of use tends to be moderate, with a slight inclination towards both oral and written contexts, though it may be more prevalent in formal or academic writing, particularly in legal and medical documents.

Example Sentences

  1. Spanish: La constancia en el trabajo es clave para alcanzar el éxito.
    English: Constancy at work is key to achieving success.

  2. Spanish: Necesito una constancia de residencia para completar mi trámite.
    English: I need a proof of residence to complete my paperwork.

  3. Spanish: Su constancia en el estudio le valió una beca.
    English: Her persistence in studying earned her a scholarship.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "constancia" is not only used literally but also forms part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are examples:

  1. Constancia de propósito: Se refiere a la determinación y firmeza en la consecución de un objetivo.
    Translation: Constancy of purpose refers to determination and firmness in achieving a goal.

  2. Con tener constancia: Se utiliza para enfatizar la necesidad de perseverar.
    Translation: To have constancy is used to emphasize the need to persevere.

  3. Constancia de carácter: Se refiere a alguien que es fuerte y firme en su personalidad.
    Translation: Constancy of character refers to someone who is strong and firm in their personality.

  4. Acts in constancy: Se puede usar en situaciones donde alguien actúa con una actitud muy firmada ante adversidades.
    Translation: Acts in constancy can be used in situations where someone acts with a very steadfast attitude in the face of adversities.

  5. La constancia es la clave del éxito: Es un dicho común que indica que la perseverancia es esencial para lograr metas.
    Translation: Constancy is the key to success: It is a common saying that indicates that persistence is essential to achieve goals.


The word "constancia" comes from el latín "constantia," que se refiere a la cualidad de mantenerse firme y estable en algo. La raíz llega del verbo "constare," que significa "estar firme" o "permanecer."

Synonyms and Antonyms


