constar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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constar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "constar" in Spanish is used in various contexts. It typically refers to the action of stating or affirming something, making it known or registering it. In legal terms, it can refer to something being recorded or noted in official documents. In more general use, it can imply that something is known or acknowledged. The frequency of use is moderate, and it is found in both oral and written contexts, though it is slightly more common in written language, especially in formal and legal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. El documento debe constar de tres copias.
    The document must consist of three copies.

  2. Es importante que conste en acta lo sucedido.
    It is important that what happened is recorded in the minutes.

  3. Consta que asistí a la reunión.
    It is stated that I attended the meeting.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "constar" features in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often related to documentation or acknowledgment. Here are some examples:

  1. Constar en las actas
    To appear in the minutes
    Es fundamental que todos los acuerdos consten en las actas de la reunión.
    It is essential that all agreements appear in the meeting minutes.

  2. Constar entre
    To be noted among
    Su nombre consta entre los mejores estudiantes del curso.
    His name is noted among the top students of the course.

  3. Constar como
    To be registered as
    Ella consta como autora del libro en la biblioteca.
    She is registered as the author of the book in the library.

  4. No constar en
    Not to be listed in
    Si no constas en el registro, no podrás votar.
    If you are not listed in the register, you will not be able to vote.


The word "constar" comes from the Latin verb "constare," which means "to stand firm" or "to be established." The prefix "con-" means "with" or "together," and "stare," means "to stand." Thus, the word carries the sense of something standing together or being established as true.



This comprehensive overview of "constar" provides insights into its meanings, usage, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and related synonyms and antonyms.
