constatar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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constatar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Constatar" is a transitive verb used in Spanish to express the action of confirming or verifying the existence, truth, or accuracy of something. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in legal, scientific, and technical settings. The word is commonplace in discussions involving evidence, facts, or observations.

Frequency of Use

The term is relatively frequent in formal contexts, especially in legal and academic writing. It’s less common in everyday conversational Spanish unless referencing the verification of a fact or a situation.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante constatar los hechos antes de tomar una decisión.
    It is important to verify the facts before making a decision.

  2. El inspector debe constatar que las medidas de seguridad se cumplen.
    The inspector must confirm that the safety measures are being met.

  3. Los científicos constatan sus hipótesis con experimentos rigurosos.
    Scientists verify their hypotheses with rigorous experiments.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "constatar" itself may not be a part of many well-known idiomatic expressions, it can be used in phrases involving confirmation or verification. Here are some example sentences that illustrate the use of "constatar" in various contexts:

  1. Antes de firmar el contrato, es esencial constatar todos los detalles.
    Before signing the contract, it is essential to verify all the details.

  2. Sólo puedo aceptar esa afirmación si puedo constatar su veracidad.
    I can only accept that statement if I can confirm its truthfulness.

  3. En el juicio, el abogado necesitaba constatar la evidencia presentada por el testigo.
    In court, the lawyer needed to verify the evidence presented by the witness.

  4. La auditoría se realizó para constatar la legalidad de las operaciones.
    The audit was conducted to confirm the legality of the operations.

  5. No olvides constatar que tus datos están actualizados antes de hacer el registro.
    Don’t forget to verify that your data is up to date before making the registration.


The verb "constatar" is derived from the Latin "constatare," which means "to stand firm" or "to be established." It is a combination of "com-" (together) and "stare" (to stand), reflecting the idea of establishing certainty or evidence through corroboration.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown should give you a clear understanding of the word "constatar" and its uses across different contexts in the Spanish language.
