constitucional - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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constitucional (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/konstituθioˈnal/ (in Spain) or /kɑnstiˈtuʃənl/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "constitucional" refers to anything related to a constitution, particularly the fundamental laws that define the organization, functions, and limits of a government. In legal contexts, it is often used to discuss matters pertaining to constitutional rights, laws, principles, and amendments.

In Spanish, "constitucional" is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to law, governance, human rights, and political science.

Example Sentences

  1. El tribunal supremo decidió que la ley era inconstitucional.
    The supreme court decided that the law was unconstitutional.

  2. Los derechos constitucionales de los ciudadanos deben ser protegidos en todo momento.
    The constitutional rights of citizens must be protected at all times.

  3. La reforma constitucional fue aprobada por consenso en el parlamento.
    The constitutional reform was approved by consensus in the parliament.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "constitucional" does not feature prominently in specific idiomatic expressions, its importance in constitutional law leads to phrases and terminologies relevant to governance and law.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Derechos constitucionales"
    Constitutional rights
  2. En una democracia, los derechos constitucionales son fundamentales para la libertad individual.
    In a democracy, constitutional rights are fundamental to individual freedom.

  3. "Corte constitucional"
    Constitutional court

  4. La corte constitucional revisará la validez de la nueva ley.
    The constitutional court will review the validity of the new law.

  5. "Control constitucional"
    Constitutional oversight

  6. El control constitucional es esencial para mantener la justicia en el país.
    Constitutional oversight is essential for maintaining justice in the country.


The word "constitucional" derives from the Latin term "constitutio," which means "establishment" or "arrangement." It evolved in Spanish to describe matters related to the constitution, particularly those pertaining to the structure and powers of government.


