constructor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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constructor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The term "constructor" refers to a person or entity that engages in the construction of buildings or other infrastructures. In Spanish, it is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about real estate, architecture, and construction industries. Its frequency of use can vary significantly depending on the context but is generally more prominent in professional and technical discourse.

Example sentences: 1. El constructor entregó el proyecto a tiempo.
The builder delivered the project on time.

  1. Los constructores deben cumplir con las normativas de seguridad.
    Contractors must comply with safety regulations.

  2. Mi padre es constructor y trabaja en grandes obras.
    My father is a builder and works on large projects.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the word "constructor" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases related to construction or labor. Below are some examples where "constructor" can be linked idiomatically:

  1. El constructor de sueños
    The builder of dreams
    This phrase can refer metaphorically to someone who creates something valuable or meaningful in life, akin to how a builder constructs structures.

  2. Ser un buen constructor
    To be a good builder
    It signifies someone who effectively creates relationships or projects, often used positively in personal development contexts.

  3. Constructor de la paz
    Builder of peace
    Referring to someone who actively works to create harmonious environments, whether in community, relationships, or nations.


The word "constructor" originates from the Latin "constructorem," which stems from the verb "construere," meaning "to build or assemble." The prefix "con-" implies "together," while "struere" translates to "to pile up" or "to build."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Edificador (builder) - Contratista (contractor) - Obrero (workman, laborer when referring to construction work)

Antonyms: - Destructores (destroyers) - Demolidores (demolishers)

This comprehensive overview should give you a solid understanding of the term "constructor" in the Spanish language and its various usages and contexts.
