construir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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construir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Construir is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Construir means to make something by putting parts or materials together. It is commonly used in both physical contexts, such as construction of buildings, and metaphorical ones, such as building ideas or relationships.

The frequency of use of construir is quite high, and it is common in both oral speech and written contexts, especially in discussions related to architecture, engineering, and personal development.

Example Sentences

  1. Vamos a construir una casa nueva.
  2. We are going to build a new house.

  3. Es importante construir buenas relaciones con los compañeros.

  4. It is important to build good relationships with colleagues.

  5. El arquitecto quiere construir un puente sobre el río.

  6. The architect wants to construct a bridge over the river.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb construir appears in a number of idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often conveying metaphorical meanings.

  1. Construir un puente
  2. To build a bridge
  3. Se necesita construir un puente entre las dos culturas.

    • A bridge needs to be built between the two cultures.
  4. Construir castillos en el aire

  5. To build castles in the air (to have unrealistic dreams)
  6. A veces, es bueno construir castillos en el aire, pero también hay que ser realista.

    • Sometimes it’s good to build castles in the air, but one must also be realistic.
  7. Construir sobre cimientos sólidos

  8. To build on solid foundations
  9. Para lograr el éxito, es fundamental construir sobre cimientos sólidos.

    • To achieve success, it is essential to build on solid foundations.
  10. Construir un imperio

  11. To build an empire
  12. Con trabajo duro y dedicación, logró construir un imperio en el negocio.
    • With hard work and dedication, he managed to build an empire in business.


The word construir originates from the Latin verb construere, which is composed of the prefix con- meaning "together" and struere meaning "to build" or "to compile."



This comprehensive overview provides insight into the use and meaning of construir in various contexts within the Spanish language.
