consular - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

consular (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "consular" is used primarily in contexts related to consuls and diplomatic missions. It pertains to the duties, functions, or relations associated with a consul, who is a government official tasked with representing their country in a foreign city. The word "consular" is frequently used in legal, political, and diplomatic discussions, and it often appears in formal written contexts, such as treaties, laws, and diplomatic correspondence. In oral speech, it is also common, especially in discussions involving international relations.

Example Sentences

  1. El documento consular fue aprobado por el ministerio de relaciones exteriores.
  2. The consular document was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  3. Los servicios consulares son esenciales para los ciudadanos en el extranjero.

  4. Consular services are essential for citizens abroad.

  5. La firma de acuerdos consulares facilita la cooperación entre países.

  6. The signing of consular agreements facilitates cooperation between countries.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "consular" does not have a wealth of idiomatic expressions, it is commonly associated with phrases related to diplomatic or international relations contexts.

  1. Asuntos consulares son fundamentales para nuestra relación bilateral.
  2. Consular matters are fundamental to our bilateral relationship.

  3. La oficina consular se encarga de proteger los derechos de los ciudadanos en el extranjero.

  4. The consular office is in charge of protecting the rights of citizens abroad.

  5. La visa consular es necesaria para poder ingresar al país.

  6. The consular visa is necessary to enter the country.


The word "consular" comes from the Latin "consularis", which means "of or pertaining to a consul." This Latin term is derived from "consul," the name given to a high-ranking elected official in ancient Rome responsible for governance and military command.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview of the word "consular" provides insights into its usage, meaning, and relevance within applicable legal and diplomatic contexts.
