consultorio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consultorio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term consultorio refers to a place where professional consultations are held, commonly associated with healthcare settings, such as a medical or dental office. It can also refer to an office where consultation services in other fields are provided (like legal or administration).

In Spanish, it is used to denote the physical space where clients or patients can meet with professionals for advice, treatment, or counseling. It is more frequently used in medical contexts but can also apply to other sectors.

Frequency of Use

The word consultorio is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. It tends to appear more frequently in professional or formal discussions, particularly within the healthcare domain.

Example Sentences

  1. El doctor tiene una cita programada en su consultorio para las tres de la tarde.
  2. The doctor has a scheduled appointment in his clinic for three in the afternoon.

  3. El consultorio de la dentista está siempre lleno de pacientes.

  4. The dentist's office is always full of patients.

  5. Necesito un nuevo consultorio para mis sesiones de terapia.

  6. I need a new office for my therapy sessions.

Idiomatic Expressions

Consultorio is part of various expressions, particularly in professional contexts.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No puedo esperar hasta mi cita en el consultorio; necesito respuestas sobre mi salud.
  2. I can't wait for my appointment at the clinic; I need answers about my health.

  3. En el consultorio del abogado, discutimos las cláusulas del contrato.

  4. In the lawyer's office, we discussed the clauses of the contract.

  5. Los pacientes esperan ansiosos en el consultorio, deseando ser atendidos pronto.

  6. Patients anxiously wait in the office, hoping to be attended to soon.

  7. La limpieza del consultorio es esencial para mantener la salud de los pacientes.

  8. The cleanliness of the clinic is essential for maintaining the health of the patients.

  9. En su consultorio, la psicóloga ofrece sesiones de grupo y individuales.

  10. In her office, the psychologist offers group and individual sessions.


The word consultorio comes from the Spanish verb consultar, which means "to consult." The suffix -orio indicates a place related to the action of the verb, thereby forming a noun that denotes a place for consulting or advice.

Synonyms and Antonyms


