consumado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consumado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Consumado" is derived from the verb "consumir," which means to consume or complete. The term is often used to describe someone who is highly skilled in a particular area or activity, indicating a level of perfection or mastery. In legal contexts, it can refer to an act that has been completed or fully executed, such as a "contrato consumado" (executed contract).

Regarding frequency of use, "consumado" is moderately used in both written and oral contexts, although it tends to appear more frequently in written texts, especially in formal or legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. Consumado el contrato, las partes deben cumplir con sus obligaciones.
    (Once the contract is consummated, the parties must fulfill their obligations.)

  2. Fue un artista consumado, admirado por su habilidad excepcional.
    (He was a consummate artist, admired for his exceptional skill.)

  3. El plan fue consumado con éxito, logrando todos los objetivos propuestos.
    (The plan was consummated successfully, achieving all the proposed objectives.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Consumado" can be used in various idiomatic expressions that convey the sense of completion or mastery. Here are a few examples:

  1. Hacer algo de manera consumada – "El arquitecto diseñó la casa de manera consumada."
    (The architect designed the house consummately.)

  2. Consumado trader – "Es un consumado trader en el mercado financiero."
    (He is a consummate trader in the financial market.)

  3. Estar consumado en algo – "Ella está consumada en la danza."
    (She is consummate in dancing.)

  4. Consumado logro – "El evento fue un consumado logro para la organización."
    (The event was a consummate achievement for the organization.)

  5. Consumado experto – "Mi padre es un consumado experto en jardinería."
    (My father is a consummate expert in gardening.)

  6. Consumado fracaso – "El proyecto terminó siendo un consumado fracaso."
    (The project ended up being a consummate failure.)


The word "consumado" originates from the Latin "consummatus," which means "to complete" or "to fulfill." It evolved in Spanish as an adjective describing something that has been fully completed or perfected.

Synonyms and Antonyms


