consumido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consumido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

The word "consumido" in Spanish is derived from the verb "consumir," which means "to consume." As an adjective, "consumido" describes something that has been fully used or exhausted. It can refer to physical items, resources, or metaphorically, to the state of someone feeling exhausted or worn out.

Frequency of Use

"Consumido" is frequently used in colloquial speech to describe not just physical consumption but also emotional or mental states, often implying a sense of depletion or exhaustion. It is commonly found in oral conversations but can also appear in written contexts like literature or social media.

Example Sentences

  1. "El fuego se había consumido por completo."
    "The fire had completely burned out."

  2. "Después de tantos años trabajando, me siento consumido."
    "After so many years of working, I feel exhausted."

  3. "Los recursos naturales de la región están consumidos."
    "The natural resources of the region are depleted."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "consumido" is integral to several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, indicating exhaustion, weariness, or complete usage.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Estar consumido por la rutina."
    "To be worn out by the routine."

  2. "Siento que estoy consumido por el estrés."
    "I feel like I am consumed by stress."

  3. "Su energía se ha consumido con el tiempo."
    "Their energy has been consumed over time."

  4. "El proyecto se ha consumido en interminables reuniones."
    "The project has been consumed in endless meetings."

  5. "Después de la maratón, estaba completamente consumido."
    "After the marathon, I was completely worn out."

  6. "La ciudad fue consumida por las llamas."
    "The city was consumed by flames."

  7. "Se siente consumido por la ansiedad."
    "He feels consumed by anxiety."

  8. "El tiempo consumido en espera fue frustrante."
    "The time wasted in waiting was frustrating."


The word "consumido" comes from the verb "consumir," which is derived from Latin "consumere," meaning "to take up, to use." The root consists of "con-" (together) and "sumere" (to take). This origin reflects the notion of completely using or exhausting something.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of the word "consumido" illustrates its meanings, usage, and relevance in everyday language, highlighting both its physical and metaphorical implications.
