consumir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consumir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "consumir" is used primarily to denote the act of consuming, using, or eating resources, goods, or materials. In a broader sense, it can also refer to the act of spending, particularly in economic contexts. The term is frequently encountered in both written and oral contexts, including discussions related to economics, daily life, legal texts, and clerical communications.

In Colombia and Central America, "consumir" is often used in discussions related to marketing, business, and resource management, reflecting its importance in both everyday speech and formal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. Consumir grandes cantidades de agua es un problema urgente en muchas regiones.
    Consuming large amounts of water is an urgent problem in many regions.

  2. Es importante no consumir productos que dañen el medio ambiente.
    It is important not to consume products that harm the environment.

  3. La empresa busca formas de consumir menos energía y ser más eficiente.
    The company is looking for ways to consume less energy and be more efficient.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "consumir" itself may not be central to many idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases that depict consumption or waste:

  1. Consumir recursos sin control puede llevar a una crisis.
    Consuming resources without control can lead to a crisis.

  2. El tiempo que solo se consume sin productividad es tiempo perdido.
    Time that is only consumed without productivity is wasted time.

  3. No debes consumir tus energías en cosas negativas.
    You should not consume your energies on negative things.

  4. La televisión puede consumir mucho de nuestro tiempo libre.
    Television can consume a lot of our free time.


The word "consumir" comes from the Latin "consumere", which is composed of "con-" meaning "together" and "sumere" meaning "to take". The evolution of the term reflects its fundamental meaning of taking or using up resources collectively.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Gastar (to spend) - Usar (to use) - Devorar (to devour, primarily related to food)

Antonyms: - Conservar (to conserve) - Ahorra (to save) - Retener (to retain)

The multifaceted nature of "consumir" allows it to fit into various discussions across different sectors, from economics to environmental considerations, making it a versatile word in the Spanish language.
