consumirse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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consumirse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Consumirse" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Consumirse" refers to the process of consumption, either literal (as in eating or using up resources) or metaphorical (such as emotional or physical exhaustion). In the Spanish language, it is commonly used to describe a state of decline or deterioration, whether in health, energy, or mental state.

Its frequency of use can vary; however, it tends to appear more in written contexts, especially in literary or poetic descriptions, than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. A medida que trabaja más horas, empieza a consumirse lentamente.
  2. As he works more hours, he starts to wear himself out slowly.

  3. Las preocupaciones lo han hecho consumirse de ansiedad.

  4. The worries have made him burn out from anxiety.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Consumirse" is often part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Consumirse en el trabajo
  2. Se ha estado consumiendo en el trabajo desde hace meses.
  3. He has been burning out at work for months.

  4. Consumirse de tristeza

  5. Ella se está consumiendo de tristeza tras la pérdida de su mascota.
  6. She is consuming herself with sadness after the loss of her pet.

  7. Consumirse por la culpa

  8. Se consumió por la culpa de no haberlo ayudado.
  9. He consumed himself with guilt for not having helped him.

  10. Consumirse en deseos

  11. Me estoy consumiendo en deseos de viajar a lugares lejanos.
  12. I am consuming myself with desires to travel to distant places.


The word "consumirse" originates from the Latin "consumere," which means "to use up" or "to waste." The prefix "con-" indicates complete action, while "sumere" means "to take."


