contable - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contable (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Contable" is an adjective and can also function as a noun in the context of accounting.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Accountable
  2. Counting (when used as an adjective)
  3. Accountant (when used as a noun)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "contable" primarily refers to anything related to accounting. As an adjective, it describes something that can be counted or is connected to accounting practices. As a noun, it refers to an accountant or bookkeeper responsible for maintaining financial records. The term is frequently used in both spoken and written contexts, particularly in professional, academic, or legal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La empresa necesita un contable con experiencia.
    The company needs an experienced accountant.

  2. Es importante ser contable en todos los gastos del proyecto.
    It is important to be accountable for all expenses of the project.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "contable" itself is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, it does play a role in phrases related to accountability and finance. Here are some expressions that incorporate the concept of accountability or financial integrity:

  1. Ser contable con uno mismo.
    To be accountable to oneself.
    This phrase speaks to the importance of self-accountability in personal and professional growth.

  2. Contable a la hora de rendir cuentas.
    Accountable when it comes time to give an account.
    This expression emphasizes the necessity of being responsible for one’s actions, especially in financial matters.

  3. Un contable riguroso asegura la transparencia en la empresa.
    A rigorous accountant ensures transparency in the company.
    This highlights the role of accountants in maintaining honest and clear financial records.


The word "contable" derives from the Latin "computabilis," which means "that can be counted." The root "contare" in Latin signifies "to count," which reflects its connection to financial counting and accounting practices.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Responsable (responsible) - when referring to accountability. - Contador (accountant) - when used in the noun form.

Antonyms: - Incontable (uncountable) - meaning not able to be counted. - Irresponsable (irresponsible) - referring to lack of accountability or responsibility.

By understanding the use and implications of "contable," one gains insight into both financial accountability and the role of professionals in managing financial records effectively.
