contacto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contacto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "contacto" refers to the act of touching, the state of being in touch with someone or something, or a connection between entities. It is commonly used in various contexts, including personal relationships, professional communications, and technical fields such as electronics and medicine.

"Contacto" is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, making it a versatile word. It is highly relevant in everyday communication, as well as in specific technical jargon.

Example Sentences

  1. "Necesito tu contacto para poder coordinar la reunión."
  2. "I need your contact to coordinate the meeting."

  3. "El contacto con el paciente es extremadamente importante en medicina."

  4. "Contact with the patient is extremely important in medicine."

  5. "El contacto entre los dos equipos fue decisivo en la competencia."

  6. "The contact between the two teams was decisive in the competition."

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Contacto"

The word "contacto" is included in several idiomatic expressions, reflecting its importance in various contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. "Estar en contacto"
  2. "To be in contact"
  3. "Es importante estar en contacto con los clientes."
  4. "It is important to be in contact with clients."

  5. "Perder el contacto"

  6. "To lose touch"
  7. "Después de la mudanza, perdimos el contacto."
  8. "After the move, we lost touch."

  9. "Tomar contacto"

  10. "To get in touch"
  11. "Voy a tomar contacto con el proveedor."
  12. "I will get in touch with the supplier."

  13. "Hacer contacto"

  14. "To make contact"
  15. "Es recomendable hacer contacto antes de la entrevista."
  16. "It's advisable to make contact before the interview."

  17. "Sin contacto"

  18. "Out of touch"
  19. "Estuve sin contacto con mis amigos durante las vacaciones."
  20. "I was out of touch with my friends during the vacation."


The word "contacto" originates from the Latin "contactus," which derives from "contingere," meaning "to touch closely." The term reflects the physicality of touch or connection between different entities.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Conexión (Connection) - Comunicación (Communication) - Relación (Relationship)

Antonyms: - Desconexión (Disconnection) - Aislamiento (Isolation) - Separación (Separation)
