contador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Contador is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Accountant
  2. Counter
  3. Measurer

Meaning and Usage

The word contador has a couple of prevalent meanings depending on the context:

  1. In a financial context, contador refers to an accountant – a professional who is responsible for financial record keeping, tax preparation, and compliance with financial regulations.
  2. In a more general sense, contador may refer to a counter, which can be a device or a person who counts items.

The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to economics, business, and finance.


  1. El contador de la empresa presentó el informe financiero.
    (The accountant of the company presented the financial report.)

  2. Necesitamos un contador para llevar las cuentas del negocio.
    (We need an accountant to manage the business's accounts.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "contador" itself may not be as widely used in idiomatic expressions, it plays a critical role in phrases related to finance and accounting.

  1. "Contador de ganancias"
    (Accountant of earnings) - Refers to the person responsible for calculating profits.
  2. El contador de ganancias debe aplicar todas las deducciones fiscales.
    (The accountant of earnings must apply all tax deductions.)

  3. "Contador de historias"
    (Storyteller) - Refers to someone who narrates stories, not in a financial sense but in a metaphorical or artistic context.

  4. Mi abuelo es un excelente contador de historias, siempre nos cautiva con sus relatos.
    (My grandfather is an excellent storyteller; he always captivates us with his tales.)


The word "contador" originates from the Latin word computator, which means "one who counts." The root word "contar" comes from the Latin computare, meaning "to compute" or "to calculate." The evolution of the term reflects the importance of numerical calculation in commerce and trade throughout history.

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. Contable - This term is often used interchangeably with "contador" but can specifically refer to someone who keeps accounts.
  2. Relator - Refers to someone who narrates or delivers a report.


  1. Deudor - This term means "debtor," referring to someone who owes money, contrasting with an accountant who manages credits.
  2. Descuentista - Referring to a person who is in charge of discounts or deductions, in opposition to an accountant who deals with financial totals.

This comprehensive breakdown of the term contador highlights its multifaceted use in Spanish language, primarily focusing on professions related to finance and accounting.
