contagiar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contagiar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Contagiar" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Contagiar" means to infect or transmit a disease or an idea, and it is commonly used in both health contexts (referring to the spreading of infectious diseases) and metaphorical contexts (referring to emotions or ideas). The frequency of use is moderate to high, often appearing in both oral and written forms, but is more prevalent in spoken language when discussing illnesses.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella no quería contagiar a sus amigos con el resfriado.
  2. She didn't want to infect her friends with the cold.

  3. Es fácil contagiar el entusiasmo a los demás.

  4. It is easy to transmit enthusiasm to others.

  5. El médico explicó cómo se puede contagiar el virus.

  6. The doctor explained how the virus can be transmitted.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Contagiar" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting its versatility in conveying both literal and figurative meanings.

  1. Contagiar la risa
  2. "Cuando comenzó a contar chistes, contagió la risa a todos en la sala."
  3. "When he started telling jokes, he transmitted laughter to everyone in the room."

  4. Contagiar el miedo

  5. "La noticia del accidente logró contagiar el miedo entre los habitantes del pueblo."
  6. "The news of the accident managed to instill fear among the townspeople."

  7. Contagiar la alegría

  8. "Su optimismo contagió la alegría en la fiesta."
  9. "Her optimism transmitted joy at the party."

  10. Contagiar el malestar

  11. "El ambiente tenso en la reunión empezó a contagiar el malestar."
  12. "The tense atmosphere in the meeting started to spread discomfort."

  13. Contagiar el entusiasmo

  14. "El entrenador sabe cómo contagiar el entusiasmo a sus jugadores."
  15. "The coach knows how to infuse enthusiasm into his players."


The verb "contagiar" originates from the Latin word "contagium," which means "contact" or "touch." This reflects the idea that something (like a disease or an emotion) can be transmitted through close contact.

Synonyms and Antonyms


