contagiarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contagiarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Contagiarse" refers to the process of becoming infected by a disease or the act of catching something that is communicable. It often relates to diseases that can spread from one person to another, either through direct contact or airborne transmission. The word is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, especially in conversations about health and sickness.

Frequency of Use: This term is relatively common, particularly in medical or social discussions concerning health risks.

Example Sentences

  1. Me contagié de gripe el invierno pasado.
  2. I caught the flu last winter.

  3. Es fácil contagiarse si no te lavas las manos.

  4. It's easy to get infected if you don't wash your hands.

  5. Evita el contacto cercano si alguien está contagiado.

  6. Avoid close contact if someone is infected.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Contagiarse" is frequently used in expressions related to health, emotion, and behaviors that spread from person to person.

  1. Contagiarse de optimismo
  2. To catch optimism
  3. Después de la reunión, todos se contagiaron de optimismo.
  4. After the meeting, everyone caught optimism.

  5. Contagiar la risa

  6. To spread laughter
  7. Su risa es tan contagiosa que todos se contagiaron en minutos.
  8. Her laughter is so contagious that everyone caught it within minutes.

  9. Contagiarse de la energía de los demás

  10. To catch the energy of others
  11. En la fiesta, todos se contagiaron de la energía de los demás.
  12. At the party, everyone caught the energy of others.

  13. Contagiar el virus

  14. To spread the virus
  15. Es vital informar si has estado en contacto con alguien que contagió el virus.
  16. It’s vital to inform if you’ve been in contact with someone who spread the virus.


The verb "contagiarse" comes from the Spanish noun "contagio," which itself is derived from the Latin "contagium," meaning "touch" or "contact." The use of "contagia" within biological contexts relates to the transmission of diseases among individuals.



This response provides comprehensive insights into the term "contagiarse," illustrating its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, and related language aspects.
