contagio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contagio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "contagio" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. contagion
  2. infection
  3. transmission

Meaning and Usage

"Contagio" refers to the process of transmitting a disease or illness from one person to another, often used in medical and epidemiological contexts. It signifies both the act of spreading an infection and the condition resulting from that spread. The word is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions concerning public health, outbreaks, and epidemiology.

Example Sentences

  1. El contagio de la enfermedad se produjo rápidamente entre los estudiantes.
  2. The contagion of the disease spread rapidly among the students.

  3. Es importante tomar precauciones para evitar el contagio en épocas de epidemia.

  4. It is important to take precautions to avoid contagion during epidemic times.

  5. Las medidas de aislamiento pueden ayudar a controlar el contagio del virus.

  6. Isolation measures can help control the contagion of the virus.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "contagio" is often involved in idiomatic expressions related to health, relationships, or social dynamics, albeit less frequently encountered in common idioms compared to more general terms. Here are some relevant expressions:

  1. Contagio emocional
  2. Se dice que el contagio emocional ocurre cuando la felicidad o tristeza de una persona influye en las emociones de quienes le rodean.
  3. It is said that emotional contagion occurs when one person's happiness or sadness influences the emotions of those around them.

  4. Contagio social

  5. Durante la pandemia, se discutió mucho sobre el contagio social y cómo ciertas actitudes pueden propagarse entre grupos.
  6. During the pandemic, there was much discussion about social contagion and how certain attitudes can spread among groups.

  7. Contagio de ideas

  8. El contagio de ideas innovadoras puede llevar a grandes cambios en una organización.
  9. The contagion of innovative ideas can lead to significant changes within an organization.

  10. Contagio de enfermedades

  11. El contagio de enfermedades infecciosas puede reducirse con prácticas de higiene adecuadas.
  12. The contagion of infectious diseases can be reduced with proper hygiene practices.


The word "contagio" originates from the Latin "contactus," which means "touching" or "contact." Over time, the term evolved in Spanish to specifically denote the transmission of diseases and illnesses.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "contagio" plays a crucial role in health-related discussions, denoting the spread of infections while also intersecting with emotional and social contexts in various expressions. Its roots in Latin denote contact, which is apt for its use in both epidemiology and the broader social vernacular.
