contando - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contando (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "contando" is a gerund form of the verb "contar," which means to count or to tell.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "contando" is primarily used to indicate the action of counting or relating something. It is often used in both oral and written contexts but may lean more towards spoken language due to its informal connotation. The frequency of use can be considered moderate, as it appears frequently in everyday conversations, especially in contexts involving numbers, data, or storytelling.

Example Sentences

  1. "Estoy contando las monedas en la mesa."
    "I am counting the coins on the table."

  2. "Ella está contando una historia muy interesante."
    "She is telling a very interesting story."

  3. "Nos pasamos la tarde contando chistes."
    "We spent the afternoon telling jokes."

Idiomatic Expressions

The stem of "contar" can appear in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often related to the theme of counting, telling, or the importance of the act. Here are some expressions:

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Contar hasta diez."
    "To count to ten."
    Meaning: To take a moment to calm down before reacting to a situation.

  2. "Contar con los dedos."
    "To count on your fingers."
    Meaning: To do a simple calculation or to emphasize that there are few options.

  3. "Contar como un libro abierto."
    "To be as open as a book."
    Meaning: To be transparent or easy to read in one’s thoughts or emotions.

  4. "Contar ovejas."
    "To count sheep."
    Meaning: To do something monotonous or dull, often used in the context of trying to fall asleep.

  5. "No contar con algo."
    "To not count on something."
    Meaning: To not rely on something.

  6. "Contar las horas."
    "To count the hours."
    Meaning: To eagerly anticipate something, often implying waiting for a certain event.


The verb "contar" originates from Latin "computare," which means to calculate or to count. This roots in the communication aspect of numbers and narratives, linking it closely to both mathematics and storytelling.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - calculando (calculating) - relatando (relating) - enumerando (enumerating)

Antonyms: - ignorando (ignoring) - desconsiderando (disregarding)

In summary, "contando" plays a significant role in various facets of both casual and formal communication, especially within the realms of economics, education, and personal interactions.
