contar con - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contar con (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "contar con" is a verbal expression, composed of the verb "contar" (to count) and the preposition "con" (with).

Phonetic Transcription

/kón̪taɾ kon/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Contar con" is used in Spanish to express the idea of having something available or relying on someone or something. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, notably in formal communications, such as legal documents or business discussions, as well as in everyday conversations. The phrase tends to be common in various social and economic contexts, illustrating the availability or assurance of resources, support, or assistance.

Example Sentences

  1. Contar con el apoyo de tus amigos es muy importante.
    To rely on the support of your friends is very important.

  2. La empresa necesita contar con más recursos para el proyecto.
    The company needs to have more resources for the project.

  3. Es fundamental contar con un buen equipo para lograr el objetivo.
    It is essential to count on a good team to achieve the goal.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "contar con" itself isn't usually part of broader idiomatic expressions, it can be found in several key phrases that convey reliance and availability. Here are some examples:

  1. Contar con alguien - This means to rely on someone.
    Es bueno contar con alguien en quien confiar.
    It is good to count on someone to trust.

  2. Contar con los dedos - Literally translates to "to count on one's fingers," referring to something that is easy or simple to quantify.
    Las veces que he ido a esa tienda se pueden contar con los dedos de una mano.
    The times I have been to that store can be counted on one hand.

  3. Contar con la suerte - This implies relying on luck.
    No deberías contar con la suerte para ganar el juego.
    You shouldn't count on luck to win the game.

  4. Contar con el tiempo suficiente - Meaning to have enough time.
    Es importante contar con el tiempo suficiente para preparar la presentación.
    It is important to have enough time to prepare the presentation.


The verb "contar" comes from Latin "computāre," which means to compute or count. "Contar" and the preposition "con" form a common collocation in the Spanish language.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Depender de (to depend on) - Disponer de (to have available)

Antonyms: - No tener (not to have) - Carecer de (to lack)
