contención - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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contención (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options


"Contención" refers to the act of restraining or containing something or someone. It is used in various contexts, such as controlling emotions, keeping a situation under control, or physically restraining someone. The word is commonly used in legal settings, medical contexts, and general discussions in Argentina. It is more frequently used in written context rather than in oral speech.


  1. La contención de los manifestantes fue clave para evitar disturbios.
    The restraint of the protesters was key to preventing disturbances.

  2. La contención de la epidemia requiere medidas drásticas.
    Containing the epidemic requires drastic measures.

Idiomatic expressions

"Contención" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Perder la contención"
  2. Meaning: To lose control over one's emotions or behavior.
  3. Example: Se enojó tanto que perdió la contención y comenzó a gritar.
    He got so angry that he lost control and started shouting.

  4. "Fuera de contención"

  5. Meaning: Out of control.
  6. Example: La situación está fuera de contención; necesitamos ayuda urgente.
    The situation is out of control; we need urgent help.


The word "contención" comes from the Latin word "contentiōnem," which means contention or dispute.

