Controlar is a verb.
Controlar commonly means to exercise authority or influence over something, to manage, supervise, or regulate situations, objects, or groups. It is widely used across various contexts, including general, economics, law, medicine, and military domains.
In Spanish, controlar can refer to the act of managing activities, ensuring rules are followed, or maintaining standards. It is a regularly used term, with frequency of use being balanced between oral and written contexts.
It is important to control expenses to avoid financial problems.
Él tiene que controlar el proyecto para que todo esté dentro del presupuesto.
He has to manage the project to ensure everything stays within budget.
La policía debe controlar el tráfico durante el festival.
The verb controlar is integral to various idiomatic expressions in Spanish:
Example: Después del accidente, la empresa tuvo que controlar los daños.
Controlar el tiempo
Example: Ella siempre sabe cómo controlar el tiempo en sus presentaciones.
Controlar la situación
Example: Aunque hubo un problema, el director logró controlar la situación.
No controlar los impulsos
The word controlar comes from the Latin contrarotulare, which means to check or verify by using a counter-roll, originating from the combination of contra (against) and rotulus (a roll, scroll).
Synonyms: - Regular - Supervisar (to supervise) - Manejar (to manage) - Dominar (to dominate)
Antonyms: - Liberar (to free) - Descontrolar (to lose control) - Abandonar (to abandon)
This comprehensive examination of the verb controlar highlights its importance and versatility in the Spanish language.