The word convencimiento is a noun in Spanish.
The phonetic transcription of convencimiento in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /konβenθiˈmjento/.
The word convencimiento can be translated into English as: - conviction - persuasion - belief
Convencimiento generally refers to the act or state of being convinced, persuaded, or having a strong belief in something. It encompasses the sense of inner assurance or certainty regarding a particular idea, opinion, or course of action.
In the Spanish language, it is often used to express various scenarios where someone holds a strong belief or has been persuaded of something. It appears frequently in both spoken and written contexts, although it is somewhat more prevalent in written texts, especially in legal, formal, or academic discourse.
Su convencimiento acerca de la verdad la llevó a defender su postura en la reunión.
Her conviction about the truth led her to defend her position in the meeting.
El convencimiento de que la educación es fundamental para el desarrollo social es compartido por muchos.
The belief that education is essential for social development is shared by many.
El abogado argumentó con gran convencimiento, lo que impresionó al jurado.
The lawyer argued with great persuasion, which impressed the jury.
While convencimiento is not commonly found in many fixed idiomatic expressions, it can be included in phrases that refer to strong beliefs or persuasion. Here are some idiomatic expressions that can incorporate this word:
Con el convencimiento de que es lo correcto
(With the conviction that it is the right thing)
Decidió actuar con el convencimiento de que es lo correcto, a pesar de las críticas.
(He decided to act with the conviction that it is the right thing, despite the criticism.)
Tener el convencimiento firme
(To have a strong conviction)
Ella tiene el convencimiento firme de que la justicia prevalecerá.
(She has a strong conviction that justice will prevail.)
Actuar con convencimiento
(To act with conviction)
Es importante actuar con convencimiento si deseas que otros te sigan.
(It is important to act with conviction if you want others to follow you.)
Llegar a un convencimiento
(To come to a conviction)
Después de muchas discusiones, finalmente llegamos a un convencimiento sobre el proyecto.
(After many discussions, we finally came to a conviction about the project.)
The word convencimiento derives from the Spanish verb convencer, which comes from the Latin convincere, meaning "to conquer" or "to overpower." The suffix -miento is used in Spanish to form nouns indicating the process or result of the action of the verb, hence, it denotes the result of being convinced.
Synonyms: - Persuasión (persuasion) - Convicción (conviction) - Creencia (belief)
Antonyms: - Duda (doubt) - Desconfianza (mistrust) - Incredulidad (skepticism)