conversaciones - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conversaciones (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "conversaciones" functions as a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "conversaciones" in the International Phonetic Alphabet is:
/kon.βeɾ.saˈθjo.nes/ (in Spain)
/kon.βer.saˈsjones/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

  1. conversations
  2. talks
  3. dialogues

Meaning and Usage

"Conversaciones" is the plural form of "conversación," which means "conversation" or "dialogue." It refers to the act of communicating verbally, sharing ideas, thoughts, or feelings between two or more individuals. The term is commonly used in both written and spoken contexts, although it may appear more frequently in discussions or writings about communication, social interaction, or relationships.

In terms of frequency, "conversaciones" can be considered fairly common in daily speech and literature, as conversations are a fundamental aspect of human interaction.

Example Sentences

  1. Las conversaciones entre amigos son muy importantes para mantener la relación.
    The conversations between friends are very important to maintain the relationship.

  2. Estudia las conversaciones que ocurren en la obra literaria.
    Study the conversations that occur in the literary work.

  3. Siempre recuerdo nuestras conversaciones durante el verano.
    I always remember our conversations during the summer.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Conversaciones" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish that highlight communication or dialogue themes. Below are some idiomatic expressions that include the term:

  1. Tener una conversación - To have a conversation.
    A veces, es importante tener una conversación sincera sobre nuestros sentimientos.
    Sometimes, it is important to have a sincere conversation about our feelings.

  2. Conversaciones de sobremesa - After-dinner conversations.
    Las conversaciones de sobremesa son una tradición en muchas familias.
    The after-dinner conversations are a tradition in many families.

  3. Conversaciones en la intimidad - Intimate conversations.
    Las conversaciones en la intimidad nos acercaron más.
    The intimate conversations brought us closer.

  4. Conversaciones ligeras - Light conversations.
    Durante la fiesta, tuvimos conversaciones ligeras sobre el clima.
    During the party, we had light conversations about the weather.

  5. Llevar la conversación - To steer the conversation.
    Él siempre sabe llevar la conversación hacia temas interesantes.
    He always knows how to steer the conversation towards interesting topics.


The word "conversación" comes from the Latin term "conversatio, -onis," which means "action of living with" or "intercourse." The prefix "con-" means "with," and "versare" means "to turn." Thus, it conveys the idea of turning or exchanging thoughts together.

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. diálogos (dialogues)
  2. pláticas (talks)
  3. intercambios (exchanges)


  1. silencio (silence)
  2. quietud (quietness)
  3. mutismo (muteness)
