convertidor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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convertidor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Convertidor is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term convertidor refers to a device or component that changes one form of energy or data into another. In the realms of electronics, it usually implies a device that converts electrical energy from one voltage level to another (like a power converter) or changes the type of current (like a DC to AC converter). In military contexts, it might refer to systems that convert signals or data formats for communication.

The term is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in technical and engineering discussions, and it is essential in various technical fields.

Example Sentences

  1. El convertidor de voltaje es esencial para el funcionamiento de muchos dispositivos electrónicos.
  2. The converter for voltage is essential for the functioning of many electronic devices.

  3. Necesitamos un convertidor que pueda transformar la corriente continua en corriente alterna.

  4. We need a converter that can transform direct current into alternating current.

  5. Este convertidor de señal permite la comunicación entre diferentes sistemas.

  6. This signal converter allows communication between different systems.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word convertidor isn't predominantly used in idiomatic expressions, as it tends to maintain its technical meaning. However, here are a few sentences where it can relate to broader contexts of transformation and adaptability:

  1. En tiempos de crisis, un buen líder actúa como un convertidor de problemas en oportunidades.
  2. In times of crisis, a good leader acts as a converter of problems into opportunities.

  3. La capacidad de adaptación es un convertidor fundamental en el mundo laboral actual.

  4. The ability to adapt is a fundamental converter in today’s job market.

  5. En la vida, aprender de nuestros errores es un convertidor que nos ayuda a crecer.

  6. In life, learning from our mistakes is a converter that helps us grow.


The word convertidor comes from the verb convertir, which means "to convert." The root of convertir is derived from Latin convertere, where com- means "together" and vertere means "to turn." Thus, it fundamentally embodies the idea of turning one thing into another.

Synonyms and Antonyms



The usage of convertidor is particularly relevant in technical fields such as electronics and telecommunications, making it a crucial term in those domains.
