convertir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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convertir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Convertir" is a commonly used verb in the Spanish language that refers to the act of changing something from one form, function, or state into another. It appears frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to economics (e.g., currency conversion), law (e.g., converting a legal status), and technical fields (e.g., converting files or data). The frequency of use is high, often encountered in everyday conversations as well as in formal texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito convertir mis euros a dólares antes de viajar.
  2. I need to convert my euros to dollars before traveling.

  3. Es fundamental convertir la teoría en práctica para entenderla mejor.

  4. It is essential to convert theory into practice to understand it better.

  5. La empresa decidió convertir sus instalaciones para ser más sostenibles.

  6. The company decided to convert its facilities to be more sustainable.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Convertir" is found in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Convertir en oro - To turn into gold (to make something valuable).
  2. Este nuevo proyecto podría convertir en oro nuestra inversión.
  3. This new project could turn our investment into gold.

  4. Convertir las palabras en hechos - To turn words into actions.

  5. Es el momento de convertir las palabras en hechos y actuar.
  6. It’s time to turn words into actions and take action.

  7. Convertir un problema en oportunidad - To turn a problem into an opportunity.

  8. Siempre debemos esforzarnos por convertir un problema en oportunidad.
  9. We should always strive to turn a problem into an opportunity.

  10. Convertirse en un asunto serio - To become a serious matter.

  11. La situación puede convertirse en un asunto serio si no tomamos medidas.
  12. The situation can become a serious matter if we don’t take measures.

  13. Convertir a alguien en un experto - To turn someone into an expert.

  14. Este curso está diseñado para convertir a alguien en un experto en programación.
  15. This course is designed to turn someone into an expert in programming.


The verb "convertir" originates from the Latin "convertere," which means "to turn around" or "to change." The prefix "con-" means "together" or "with," and "vertere" means "to turn."

Synonyms and Antonyms


