convocar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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convocar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Convocar" is a Spanish verb primarily used to mean "to call together" or "to summon" people for a meeting, event, or assembly. In legal contexts, it may refer to the act of officially calling witnesses, parties, or juries to appear in court. "Convocar" is common in both oral and written forms, though it may be slightly more prevalent in formal written contexts due to its legal applications.

Example Sentences

  1. La escuela decidió convocar una reunión para padres.
  2. The school decided to call a meeting for parents.

  3. El juez tuvo que convocar a todos los testigos para el juicio.

  4. The judge had to summon all the witnesses for the trial.

  5. La organización pretende convocar a todos los miembros del comité.

  6. The organization intends to convene all members of the committee.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "convocar" itself is not commonly found in fixed idiomatic expressions, its usage can appear in various phrases or contexts expressing the act of calling meetings or gatherings:

  1. Convocar a la acción.
  2. To call to action.
  3. El líder decidió convocar a la acción a todos los simpatizantes.

    • The leader decided to call all supporters to action.
  4. Convocar una asamblea.

  5. To convene an assembly.
  6. Es necesario convocar una asamblea para discutir los cambios propuestos.

    • It is necessary to convene an assembly to discuss the proposed changes.
  7. Convocar a las partes involucradas.

  8. To summon the involved parties.
  9. El mediador debe convocar a las partes involucradas para negociar.*
    • The mediator must summon the involved parties to negotiate.


The word "convocar" comes from the Latin "convocare," which is composed of "con-" meaning "together" and "vocare" meaning "to call." The root reflects the essence of gathering people or inviting them to participate.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Llamar (to call) - Convocar (to convene) - Reunir (to gather)

Antonyms: - Dispersar (to disperse) - Separar (to separate) - Desvincular (to unlink)
