convocar una plaza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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convocar una plaza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:

Verbal phrase

Phonetic transcription:

/kon.boˈkaɾ ˈplaθa/

Translation options:


The phrase "convocar una plaza" in Spanish refers to the action of announcing or calling for a position to be filled, typically in the context of a job opening, competition, or selection process. It is commonly used when referring to public sector job postings, where the authorities announce the availability of a position.

Usage and frequency:

This phrase is widely used in written contexts, especially in official communications, job advertisements, and government announcements. It is less commonly used in everyday oral speech, except in specific professional environments or when discussing job opportunities.


  1. Spanish: El ayuntamiento decidió convocar una plaza para técnico en informática. English: The city council decided to call for a position for an IT technician.

  2. Spanish: Mañana se publicará la convocatoria para convocar una plaza de profesor de matemáticas en la universidad. English: Tomorrow the announcement will be made to call for a position of mathematics professor at the university.

Idiomatic expressions:

"Convocar una plaza" is not part of common idiomatic expressions.


Synonyms and Antonyms: