cooperar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cooperar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cooperar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Cooperar means to work together or to collaborate with others towards a common goal. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts, ranging from team projects and community work to legal and economic contexts involving collaborative efforts. Its frequency of use is relatively high, with a tendency towards written context (such as reports and agreements), although it is also frequently used in oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Es fundamental que todos los miembros del equipo cooperen.
  2. It is essential that all team members cooperate.

  3. Las naciones deben cooperar para enfrentar problemas globales.

  4. Nations must cooperate to face global problems.

  5. La empresa decidió cooperar con ONG para ayudar a la comunidad.

  6. The company decided to cooperate with NGOs to help the community.

Idiomatic Expressions

Cooperar is often included in idiomatic expressions, especially those related to teamwork and collaboration.

  1. Cooperar para el bien común
  2. To cooperate for the common good.
  3. Es importante que todos cooperen para el bien común.
  4. It is important that everyone cooperates for the common good.

  5. No hay cooperación sin confianza

  6. There is no cooperation without trust.
  7. En nuestro proyecto, recordemos que no hay cooperación sin confianza.
  8. In our project, let’s remember that there is no cooperation without trust.

  9. Cooperar en grupo

  10. To cooperate in a group.
  11. En este taller, aprenderemos a cooperar en grupo.
  12. In this workshop, we will learn to cooperate in a group.

  13. La clave es cooperar y no competir

  14. The key is to cooperate and not compete.
  15. Para el éxito del proyecto, la clave es cooperar y no competir.
  16. For the success of the project, the key is to cooperate and not compete.


Cooperar comes from the Latin word "cooperari," which is a combination of "co-" meaning "together" and "operari" meaning "to work." This reflects the fundamental meaning of working together as a community or group.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Colaborar (to collaborate) - Trabajar juntos (to work together) - Sinergizar (to synergize)

Antonyms: - Competir (to compete) - Oponerse (to oppose) - Aislarse (to isolate)
